Data Enrichment 1

Data Enrichment

Access to bureau information with market registration data

Data Enrichment 1

Data Enrichment

Access to bureau information with market registration data

Data enrichments are an extra resource used to complement information in investigations. There are now several services available on the market with public registration data regulated by the Brazilian Data Privacy Laws.

Information on interpersonal relationships or kinship, corporate structure, addresses, telephone numbers, among others, can show links and add relevant data for an analysis.

Data Enrichment 7

Enriching the data can generate speed and security in decision making and make all the difference in an investigation

Integrate as many bureaus as necessary in Caseboard. There is no cost per integration as they can be carried out by the analysts themselves, optimizing work time.

Enriching the data can generate speed and security in decision making and make all the difference in an investigation

Integrate as many bureaus as necessary in Caseboard. There is no cost per integration as they can be carried out by the analysts themselves, optimizing work time.

Data Enrichment 7

Information available

  • Registration data of individuals and legal entities
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Companies (partners and employees)
  • Email
  • Relationships
  • Situation at the IRS
    between others

Legal Information

This activity is legally qualified and is a rich source used in credit protection activities, in accordance with Bacen Resolution 1631 of August 24, 1989 (Brazil). The information contained in the databases is limited to that of the registration of individuals or legal entities that, by force of law, are of public record.

Furthermore, the Brazilian Data Privacy Laws, in its Art. 7, regulates the use of registration data for the regular exercise of rights in legal proceedings, for credit protection, among others.

Legal Information

This activity is legally qualified and is a rich source used in credit protection activities, in accordance with Bacen Resolution 1631 of August 24, 1989 (Brazil). The information contained in the databases is limited to that of the registration of individuals or legal entities that, by force of law, are of public record.

Furthermore, the Brazilian Data Privacy Laws, in its Art. 7, regulates the use of registration data for the regular exercise of rights in legal proceedings, for credit protection, among others.

Data Integration

The information searched in the data enrichment bureaus act in an integrated way in the Caseboard tools. It is possible to search, expand and integrate data at any time in an analysis.

Complement the data that institutions already have internally in their systems, and can show relationships that were hidden in this environment.

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Data Enrichment 14

A complete suite for criminal investigation and anti-fraud.
Caseboard is the main tool for intelligence teams.


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