Social Media 1

Social Media

Capture of data from social networks

Social Media 1

Social Media

Capture of data from social networks

Social media can contribute significantly to the collection of personal information, being a great source of public data. Therefore, Caseboard has a direct connection and capture tool with social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Capture by data with profiles, photos, posts, shares, likes, comments, likes and followers. The captured information goes to a local database, which allows data analysis in any other Caseboard tool.

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Cross-reference captured profile information to find mutual friends, people with the most interaction in publications or different relationships.

When capturing profiles, you can download media from profile posts, such as photos and videos, which can be used for facial recognition analysis, for example.

Cross-reference captured profile information to find mutual friends, people with the most interaction in publications or different relationships.

When capturing profiles, you can download media from profile posts, such as photos and videos, which can be used for facial recognition analysis, for example.

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The profiles capture includes public data available such as profile information, photo and video media, publications made, with content and date, likes, comments, tags from other profiles and locations.

Friends and Followers

Capture the list of friends and followers of the profiles, and if necessary, capture the personal information of friends and followers, complementing analyzes and common relationships.

Friends and Followers

Capture the list of friends and followers of the profiles, and if necessary, capture the personal information of friends and followers, complementing analyzes and common relationships.


The visualization of the captured data was developed to be as similar as possible to social media platforms, facilitating the visualization and identification of information in the tool.

Watch more tool videos:

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