Investigate crimes and fraud faster and more accurately using Caseboard

Turn your data into intelligence with Caseboard, a complete suite for data source integration, management, collaboration, visual analysis for investigation, combating organized crime, fraud and money laundering.

  • Friendly and intuitive operating environment
  • More than 15 tools in a single solution
  • Adaptable to different research environments

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Analysis Tools

On Caseboard you will have access to the most complete set of visual analysis tools on the market, all integrated and in a single application. Link analysis, charts, maps, mobile forensics, facial and fingerprint recognition, and more are all within the analyst’s reach.

Integration of Data Sources

Caseboard gives you access to all your data sources, no matter where they are. Relational databases, big data, web services, social networks, files, spreadsheets, text files, open sources and mobile forensic extracts, everything can be accessed directly through Caseboard.

Operations Management and Collaboration

With Caseboard you can manage your investigation teams and organize your operations following personalized workflows, in addition to creating collaboration networks to share data with your external partners, making your teams more productive and efficient.

The most complete solution for criminal analysis and combating fraud

Caseboard is the only solution that brings the most modern solutions for intelligence teams in a single environment. It includes tools for link analysis, biometrics, data source integration, case management, team management and knowledge production, collaborative environment, mobile forensics and analytical reporting.

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the main Caseboard tools

Caseboard brings together in a single application a set of tools that allows investigators to have simultaneous access to all data sources at their fingertips and analyze all this information from different perspectives, including link analysis, maps, graphs, analysis of temporal patterns, social networks and sets.

Its main objectives are to make the analytical process more efficient, speed up obtaining information and generate more comprehensive and intuitive results.

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Link Analysis

Far beyond entity and link diagrams, link analysis brings a set of visual and analytical tools to deepen the understanding of investigated relationships.

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An interactive environment for creating analytical maps, triangulating mobile antennas, drawing paths, polygons, city layers, temporal analysis and visual customizations.

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Graphical analysis and construction of dashboards in an uncomplicated, customized way and within reach of all users make the interaction and visualization of data more productive and agile.

Explorador de Celular​ - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Mobile Explorer

A powerful explorer for analyzing and cross-referencing multiple pieces of evidence at the same time, including linked face analysis, file hashes, metadata, OCR, object detection, and more.

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Time Patterns

Synchronized events that repeat over time can be found in the midst of a large volume of data and can reveal modus operandi in any temporal information.

Redes Sociais - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Social Media

Information obtained directly from social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter enrich the analyzes and allow a deeper understanding of behaviors and relationships.

Conjuntos - Caseboard - 4Sec Global


Data grouped into sets come to have meaning in the investigative environment, and the exercise of performing operations on sets can transform its content into new meaningful groups.

Reconhecimento Facial​ - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Facial Recognition

Analytical tools for images with faces, construction and maintenance of biometric databases, reading and searching video files and researching own repositories.

Reconhecimento de Digitais​ - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Fingerprint Recognition

Solution for creating databases for biometric data for fingerprints, allowing you to store data, perform searches based on new images and visual analysis of minutiae between pairs of images.

Base Inteligências - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Intelligence Database

Customized databases for each investigative environment in a dedicated repository for intelligence data that centralizes information and allows access to the entire work team.

Enriquecimento de Dados - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Data Enrichment

Data provided by the market can show decisive relationships and speed up the analytical process. They are a rich source of data that complements the data used in investigations.

Bases Integradas - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Integrated Databases

Data that already exists in corporate systems does not need to be duplicated, but can be accessed directly with dynamic searches across all data sources at the same time.

Web Service - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Integrated Web Services

Consuming web services and bringing data directly into the investigative environment makes the data access process more effective, and expands the reach of analysts.

Banco Temporário - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Temporary Databases

Temporary banks allow you to perform operations disconnected from the main base, work offline, create experimental environments or avoid inserting unnecessary data in the intelligence environment.

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Integrated Searches

Visual searches, scored searches, and quick searches integrate results obtained from all available data sources. Searches in files and on the web complement the results obtained.

Gestor de Casos - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

Case Manager

Managing ongoing operations, work teams and material produced by all is critical to high-performance teams and can be done in a unified environment.

Colab - Caseboard - 4Sec Global


Collaboration networks enable users in different institutions to create secure and unified environments for sharing and exchanging information in a collaborative database.

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Caseboard Explorer

Exclusive data repository for the investigative production of the Caseboard, for organizing user data and for distributing information and configurations among work teams.

Administrador de Licenças - Caseboard - 4Sec Global

License Administrator

A dynamic way to manage purchased licenses and distribute them among work teams, generate and manage offline licenses and evaluate licenses in use at any moment.

Designer - Caseboard - 4Sec Global


A powerful system for creating and maintaining investigative databases, providing autonomy for users to create customized models for their application areas.

Transform the way you investigate crimes and prevent fraud.

Learn more about Caseboard and request a presentation targeted to your application area.

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A complete suite for criminal investigation and anti-fraud. Caseboard is the main tool for intelligence teams.


Avenida Camilo Di Léllis, 690 sala 06 Centro – Pinhais – PR   •   WhatsApp: (41) 3142-3592